Monday, August 4, 2008


I am finally home. From Pemberton Music Festival to Power to Change Kid's Day Camp in Whistler to a big rock slide across the Sea to Sky... my past 10 days were a whirlwind.

I have so many thought floating in my head right now, but first and foremost is Matisyahu.

I am a HUGE fan, and after seeing him at Pemberton- I am in greater awe.

If you're not familiar with him... you should be.


Farrah said...

Just bought his 'Youth' Album...I like it so much. Thanks for introducing us ;-)

Keira-Anne said...

I am not familiar with him, but I do know that he's playing at Big Day Out in Cumberland very, very soon - like maybe two weeks from now!

Anonymous said...

I also love not actually froma completely different religion called sikhism, but i like the positive morals he tries to send. and his found is great...and oh yea...he IS adorable. i wish he'd get more popular, because he's the kind of thing we need these days. i have the pic of the album you posted, witha dvd...i got at barnes and noble some time back. i downloaded his others....