Thursday, February 19, 2009

Scotty Likes to...

1. Scotty likes to MOVE IT!
2. Scotty likes to play with pigs.
3. Scotty likes to go everywhere with you.
4. Scotty likes to say: "Winning is everything baby."
5. Scotty likes to dry hump.
6. Scotty likes to get in early and get settled.
7. Scotty likes to scream and yell.
8. Scotty likes to concentrate in a study that provides hope.
9. Scotty likes to drink, swear and be downright nasty.
10. Scotty likes to dabble in photography and film making or anything that he deems creative and an overly expensive hobby.


Anonymous said...

Joey likes to wear a black hood that says on it "Little People Kill People

Anonymous said...

Hey I Don't Drink or Swear but most of those are pretty accurate.