Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Hurt

A lot of new little babies are coming this year (there's gotta be something in the water)

There is a lot of discussion about giving birth (and how much fun that must be).

I'm not sure about pain... but this couldn't have been a fun process either.


Ben S. said...

oh my goodness...

afterthoughtcomposer said...

umm. i may have said inappropriate words in my head when i looked at that photo...

Cheryl said...


sharon said...

what the???.......ok--more info--what the heck is that?? photoshop??

Chels said...

I can't say without doubt that it's real, but I have heard of it.

What can I say?

Some people just really like their piercings

Lou Lou said...

oh. That's all i can say, oh