Last year Scotty's grandpa passed away around 10 am on Valentine's day- we spent the day trying to come to grips with such a huge loss.
As Scotty sat in front of his Grandma, holding both her hands while she tried to process losing her other half only mere minutes ago- she managed to say between sobs:
"I don't remember not having grandpa beside me."
Her loss still haunts me. I have only been married four years this spring- grandma had been married nearly 55 years- I don't know that love yet, but I do know that losing Scotty would devastate me.
As February 14th was coming to a close- we welcomed a new Nephew into the family- who now carries Grandpa's name.
This year I don't know what I will do with my Valentine's day. I'm not a Valentine's hater, but I do tend to agree that you should appreciate those you love everyday, and that gifts do not make up for actions. Celebrating love is never a bad thing, but I'd like to start using Valentine's as a day to take it outside of the traditional- to do random acts of kindness for others.
I'm limited on cash and time, and I likely won't have a car- so I'll have to be creative. Hopefully it will inspire a new tradition.
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