I used to live in blissful ignorance- my thoughts were never haunted by the harsh realities of our world. Harsh realities that I have more control over than I ever want to admit. Realities that, if you are not actively standing against, you're actively fueling. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution- there IS no middle ground.
We've been told our whole lives that our money and our time are ours, but the God that I believe in doesn't tell the same story: (James 5:1-3;5-6- The Message)
" And a final word to you arrogant rich: Take some lessons in lament.
You'll need buckets for the tears when the crash comes upon you.
Your money is corrupt, and your fine clothes stink.
Your greedy luxuries are a cancer in your gut, destroying your life from within.
You thought your were piling up wealth. What you've piled up is judgement.
You've looted the earth and lived it up. But all you'll have to show for it is a fatter than usual corpse.
In fact, what you've done is condemn and murder perfectly good persons, who stand there and take it."
(Not a likely scripture to be blasted from the pulpit.)

Arrogant rich: Us. (If you can afford rent, food and enough fabric to clothe your body- YOU ARE rich compared to the majority of the world).
The victims of murder: Anyone living in poverty. Those who die from an empty belly. We are their oppressors, we hold the smoking gun. I'm not being harsh- it says it right here in James. Accept it or not- it's the truth.
I am such a work in progress- and that is a HUGE understatement- but I am convinced that now is the time to begin to climb that Everest. I'll begin with baby steps- and I know I am bound to slip- but I am gonna commit my life to trying.
I actually got up from writing this and gathered together the stuff I bought at Ross that I hadn't removed the tags from yet, and unhappily (yes, unhappily- I'm dragging my feet) put it back in the bag with the receipt to return tomorrow morning on my way to Seattle. I've also ripped the old pages out of a school notebook and scribbled "Not Mine" on the front in black marker. I plan on keeping track of how I spend that which is not mine to hoard.
1 comment:
well, as i read this i am sitting in the middle of all my clutter. and i think the proper definition of "clutter" is: "things i don't need OR want" - which makes me even more sick to think about. dang.
I guess that time has come again, the time to sift through all my crap and remember the things I don't like remembering and be more selfless than i feel I am capable of being.
:) painful reminder Chels, but a good one nonetheless. I actually have to make myself read your blogs on purpose, because they smack me in the face.
or something like that :)
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