Why is it that once one thing starts to go sour it seems to incur a landslide of unpleasant things?
This weekend was one of those that you just want to be over with. I won't go into detail, but my three consist of being somewhat chastized for not doing/being enough even when I truely feel that I've been doing the best I know how (to say the least, it was a major blow); THEN in a totally different scenario I got completely misunderstood and no matter what I said to explain myself it was twisted in a way to make me out to be the bad guy; and NOW one of my finches is on it's last hour. Although it is really old and can only be expected, it's still so sad to lose a friend.

Life is full of ups and downs, but it's near impossible to not be discouraged in the downs. I feel like I've had the wind knocked out of me, but I am fighting to get back up sooner than later. I rest only in the fact that it is in these difficult times that we are given the greatest opportunity for growth.
I guess if I say that I want to be a better person- if I expect to see growth- I have to accept these moments of "threes" with open arms.
1 comment:
i like you and all your threes :)
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