Scotty, Cheryl, Rachel, Ryan and myself arrived (late) for Friday's evening session (we took a weekend workshop on care and compassion for marginalized people). I couldn't help but notice God's blessing dripping from the walls of that little place- the Spirit was so close you could breathe it.
We met John who lives in low income housing near Jacob's Well, he told us a bit of his story and talked of how he came to be part of the Jacob's Well family. While he spoke I saw Jesus.
One of the things they do is make a dinner together and then sit down and share food together. John told us that he struggled with whether he was there to feed himself or to feed others who walked in off the street... so he would eat sometimes, and would go without other times because he felt it so important that he feed his brothers.
As he told that story my eyes welled with tears.
Here before us sat a man who had very little, yet he cared so much that he wanted to SERVE those who entered from the streets just like himself- even at the cost of going without.
This is a love that I long to learn.
Hi! I just came across your blog while looking up something else. Inspiring! I noticed you were Alliance and wanted to ask if you'd ever heard of Toccoa Falls College? My parents met and married there, I was born there, brother went there...I have a TFC sweatshirt that NO ONE recognizes:)
sweet I love Jacob's well. I slept over there one night a couple years ago and it changed the way I look at the downtown east side. Joyce is a cool lady.
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