Friday, October 17, 2008

In Response to Last Post

I lied.

And I'm sorry.

I had said I wouldn't steal pics from Google Images, and I did.

I take back my promise because there are some pictures that I simply will not take.

So I will steal those.

And just to be clear, Google-imaging THAT was my second week's scariest.

I couldn't look directly at it, and now I have to post a bunch so that it don't have to see that on my main page.


afterthoughtcomposer said...

...ya i'm not gonna lie i threw up in my mouth a little bit when I scrolled down. (that's only a *slight* exaggeration). But luckily I had a small internet window and could quickly scroll past it to get it out of view.

ps. I can't believe it was alive in hansel's mouth. I'm seriously getting chills just thinking about it...eee...

Anonymous said...