Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Simply Brighter

I deleted my past blog- partly because I didn't think anyone was reading it, and partly because I felt like I was coming off as if I was bragging about my life.

But then I started recieving messages- asking how to find my blog, or why I stopped it.

So I'm starting a new one, but this time it'll be different.

Instead of keeping people up to date on what I did last night- I'm going to try to encourage, empower and perhaps even enlighten people.

Simply Brighter= An effort to make people's lives better, to make this earth a better place to live... to make a difference- no matter how small... or how simple.

...Because there's gotta be more to life than living for ourselves.


Keira-Anne said...

I loved reading your old blog, but I'm excited to read this one too. I think it's a great idea - you'll be linked!


Brent White said...

Glad you're back to blogging,
I'm excited to hear what you have to write about.
Miss you and Scotty,
Take care and God Bless,