And it came from someone I hardly know.
I have been feeling sick to my stomach over losing Hanzel. His death came so suddenly, without warning, and has left me feeling broken.
My job has grown. Not only am I managing a group home, but I am also helping run a guys home and have just added support/one to one worker to my resume. I am working with a girl who has just "aged out" of the system, and is now an adult living on semi-independent living.
I only met her just over a month ago, and have only logged a handful of hours actually getting to know her.
But she showed me HUGE love just last week.
I love the quote by mother Teresa that says: "we can do no great things, only small things with great love." It has been my
"mantra" if you will, at my job. So many of the situations that I find myself working in are so messy and the stories so heart-breaking, that I am often left feeling so small, helpless and completely overwhelmed.
And that is where he enter and whispers "love big... period."
But last week, he used a practical stranger, who I've been hired to work with, to teach me a thing or two about "small things with great love."
At the beginning of the year, her cat had a litter of kittens. She picked out her favourite, and sold his four other brother and sisters (to cover the cost of vet bills). When I showed up at her door and told her of my heart break, she lunged at me and embraced me in a big hug.
Her empathy was comforting, and while she knew me least- I felt she understood me most. The next day she gave me a card she had made and told me that she wanted me to take her kitten "because he will make you happy."

I burst into tears at her generosity, and she seemed somewhat confused.
What seemed to me to be such a huge sacrifice on her part came so naturally to her, that she didn't think it to be a big deal.
I tried to pay her, to at least cover the vet bills, but she would have none of it.
When I said, "why are you being so generous when you don't have any money?" (side note: she really doesn't- I help her with her meager finances), she simply shrugged and said "I don't know, I just know you should have him."
Her small thing touched me so deeply. Getting something form someone who has nothing will do that to a person.

But having someone give you something, or do something for you without the conviction of sacrifice on their behalf, and to do it simply for you because they see the need...
Well, that's a love I long to live.

I love that guy! He rocks. Can't wait to hang out with him some more :)
I'm totally stoked for you! What an amazing gift to be given. I can't wait to meet Mowgli!
P.S. Mother Teresa's quote has left me speechless with its truth. Thanks for sharing it.
the girls love the new kitty. sophie talked about him the WHOLE way home!
Awww! That cat is ADORABLE! I want to hug and squeeze him (but not too hard)!
What an amazing gift. I'm often shocked by beauty in people from whom I'd least expect it.
Oh that is so beautiful! And, he is soooo cute!
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