He was charming and funny and earned himself the name Hanzel. He was “so hot right now” (named after the male model in Zoolander for being incredibly good-looking).

Hanzel grew into a 17 pound kitten. He believed Panda to be his mother, and somehow convinced her to bathe him on a regular basis. He “nursed” off blankets, sweatshirts, bathrobes and any other soft item left on the floor. As he held the fabric in his mouth, purring loudly with eyes closed, he would kneed the fabric with his big white paws.

On Sunday March 1st, 2009. Hanzel fell ill. Despite efforts and a three night stay at the vets, his condition only worsened.
X-rays revealed that Hanzel had a large heart and suffered complications related to a blood clot in the arteries feeding the intestines.
On Wednesday March 4th, 2009, it was clear that Hanzel was ready to go.
As he lie on the table, I hugged him and kissed him. I told him Scotty, Panda and I loved him and would forever miss him. I asked him to say “hello” to Sheena, Christmas, Kya, Toots and all my other past pets when he entered those pearly gates. I cried as I told him that while I wasn’t ready to let him go, I knew that God was calling back this little furry grey and white angel that I had been blessed to have lived with and loved these past three and a half years.
My heart is broken. There is a huge hole in our house. Scotty, Panda and I wander room to room, instinctively looking for him.
When I spoke to my mother on the phone after returning for the vets to tell her my heart break, she burst into tears. Being an animal lover herself, she understood the intense bond an animal spirit can have with a human spirit.

I told her Hanzel was born with a large heart and there was no way we could have known something like this would have happened, and she added, “it’s true, he REALLY did have a big heart, and was seen in the way that he loved.”
I am convinced our “little lion” lavished more love on me in those three shorts years than many owners ever experience in a pet’s normal lifespan.
As Scotty and I sobbed and held each other, we agreed that while we felt such an immense loss, we also felt so blessed to have had those three years with him.
He touched us deeply, loved us loyally and bought much joy into our lives.
Rest in peace our “little lion” with the big heart. We love you and will never forget you. While your life was short, you gave us everything you had each and every precious day. Be happy where you are.

Awww Chels, you've managed to bring me to tears on a Sunday afternoon. I'm so, so sorry that you and Scotty lost your little ball of fluffy love. Anyone that says animals don't have souls must be certifiably crazy because it's so clear how much of an impact Hanzel had on your lives. I'm so glad for you that you were able to hold him and comfort him when he needed it most.
I'm sitting at the little corner desk in my kitchen and crying! My cat Hobbes passed away 3 years ago, but I still find myself looking for him when I go to my parents house. Hanzel reminded me of Hobbes, with his fluffy fir and big paws and ravishing good looks!
I'm sad; feeling wistful over the loss of our beloved kittens.. I was actually on my way to go out and buy ice cream, but now I have an actual reason.
love you,
(Blogger doesn't love me right now... Let's try this again...)
Aww... so sad. It devastates me to think of loosing Jack and Charlie! They bring smiles to my face every single day. I'm sorry to hear that you lost a pet so dear to your heart, this also managed to bring tears to MY eyes!!
On another note, I found your blog through Keira! I don't know if you remember me from forever ago!
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