Despite our best efforts, the bunnies destroyed most of our efforts at a vegetable garden this summer. They ate all the shoots before they ever had a chance, but they DID leave us the summer squash (which were delicious) and the sweet pumpkins.

This year yeilded 16 sweet pumpkins (they are small with thick, sweet flesh for cooking and baking).
Three of our neices spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's last weekend, so we invited them over to pick pumpkins.

Apparently our back yard is a blast. Our little Himalayan lop, Pancake, was quite the hit. The girls picked apples from the apple tree to feed to her. Our Holland lop, Coconut, wasn't interested in the kids- he prefered to stay out of reach, but even he, seemed to enjoy the sunshiine as he bounced around the yard.

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