...but I'm focusing on making the best of my own situation with 12 hour shifts at the group home and papers... I'm happy at my job (even though I got called MANY names the other night... with "slut" being one of them... that one actually made me laugh- it's my work story as of late) and I am interested in my courses. The more I get into this whole politics arena, the more I SO badly want to be informed. I really want to be one of those individuals who can hold their own in a political debate. I would love to feel so strongly about something that I actually take action (writing letters, attending rallies etc.). I really am in the elemental stages, but I am interested in some sort of political future (whether it is as a job, or something on my own time- I cannot tell). In my dream world I would completely change the face of the foster care system in Canada, and who knows? Those who dare to dream big...
But then there is also the act of simplicity.
I believe that one can change the world with many simple acts of love. I was awakened (yet again) to this "philosophy" by Daryl.
Last week, Scotty and I made one of our ever-increasing trips to Point Roberts, WA. for a gas run and a trip to lighthouse park to see if the killer whales were passing by (yes, a pod of killer whales passes by the point roughly every 24 hours... many whale watching tours from Victoria and Granville Island come out to Point Roberts to spot those breath-taking creatures. We saw them a few weeks ago, and some passed by as close as 300m. from the beach). As we were leaving the park (no whales), we rounded a bend in the road to see a 40-something man with an armload of newspapers and magazines quickly veer his wobbly bicycle out of our lane. Within seconds his papers were scattered all over the road as hit fell off his bike and hit the pavement hard. His head snapped back after his body took the brunt, and he just lie there as our car came to a stop.
Daryl wasn't even close to being hit by us. I believe he saw us coming (at 30 km an hour) and got scared.
I just sat there staring at him, waiting for him to get up, gather his papers and hop back on his bike. As I sat there in my sad apathetic state, daydreaming about my plans for tomorrow, Scotty hopped out of the car and helped the man up, and before I knew it Scotty had gathered all of the man's papers and magazines, popped the bicycle in the trunk and opened the backseat door for our new "friend." It was at this moment that I "snapped" out of it (my own little self-absorbed world) and joined the conversation with Scotty and Daryl.
As we pulled up to his place (or what he wanted us to believe was his place), I hopped out of the car with my mom's fresh whole wheat cinnamon buns (she had given them to me about 10 mins prior) and handed them to Daryl.
As we drove off I knew God had placed Daryl in my life (I wasn't the hero that night, he was mine) to remind me for the 400th time that choosing to make a difference, no matter how simple, is exactly that, a choice. One must choose to keep their eyes open to the opportunities that come at them each and every day, to whole-heartedly love each and every person who is placed in your path that day...to act with intention. What would my life look like if I lived it outside of myself (my own thoughts, worries and to-do lists)?
I believe apathy comes all to easy. People aren't born saints. I must choose to actively fight against it with every step. I must choose to let go of myself and let God take over... to be His hands and His feet, to see my world through His eyes.
It took an intoxicated, skinny, bearded, disheveled man on a wobbly bike to rescue me... for the 400th time.
this post has inspired worlds of idea. thanks :)
great post chels...the more i learn, the more i realize i will have to learn the same things over and over and over and.....
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