I lack the green thumb that my mother has (I kill house plants all the time), but last yearwe spent a few bucks and threw some seeds in the dirt... within a month or so we had buckets of veggies and strawberries- we even grew our own pumpkins for autumn cooking!

Scotty's grandpa spent a lot of time tending to his garden, and it's one of the ways we honour his memory... I am convinced that there is magical soil at his place (the yard is beautiful- with VERY little effort on our part).

It was a great to spend a Saturday afternoon with my hands burried in the dirt... we even attempted watermelons and cataloupe this year!
We fired up the BBQ and cooked up some salmon (for me) and chicken (for him)- as we sat in our backyard with the sun lowering behind the trees, I looked to the pale blue sky and smiled, it was one of those soul-quenching moments... I could exist in that moment (not tied up in all my "to-do's" or past regrets) and realize my blessings.

I could hear that still small voice calling...
love this one chels...those moments are the BEST.
Sounds awesome...I can't wait for summery afternoons in the villa's backyard in our sun hats and sandals.
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