Four years ago, we stood in the sand, by the turquoise waters, under the rustling palms- lost in one another's tearful eyes as we said "I do" in front of 30 of our closest friends and family.

I had always said that I wouldn't get married until after I turned 30 (I was going to become a doctor and travel, and I didn't want no man interfering with that!), but we met at 15, and somehow that tubby (he had baby fat when we met), loud, outgoing, energetic blue-eyed- boy convinced this stubborn girl to put on that white dress at 21 and meet him at the end of the isle to set out on life hand in hand.
I cannot begin to describe what he means to me... so I'll paraphrase, the good and the bad.
Dear Bubbs (I know, pet names are lame- sorry to let everyone down)

You can't let me beat you when we go out for runs- you almost always run two steps ahead, and no matter how much I train, you can always outrun me... It never fails- you shave your beard the day AFTER I clean the bathroom, and you don't clean up the hairs around the faucet. You leave your cleats in the backseat and it makes the car smell funny. You remember useless facts (like: the dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle), but you forget to tell me your sister is having a baby girl.
Sometimes I think you nap too much.

You have an Indiana-Jones complex, and bring the snorkel everytime we go to the beach because you think you'll find sunken treasure.

You hug me too much, too long, and at the worst times (when I am trying to get things done) and it drives me crazy... I would miss it if you stopped.
You carry me to bed when I fall asleep watching a movie. You eat all my tofu-laced vegetarian dishes and tell me they taste great. You take me for sushi all the time, even though you hate seafood. You kiss me on the shoulder every night before you go to sleep. You hug me in silence, so tight, when my world feels like its falling apart. You are so quick to say "I'm sorry" and always say "Let's never fight again" after even the smallest disagreement (which always makes me laugh). You catch me fresh crab, clean it, cook it and even take it out of the shell and then throw a frozen pizza in the oven for yourself. You're not afraid to dream big (just like we all used to do as kids). You don't give up when you really want something- you don't let setbacks crush you. You love your family. You think your mom is one of the funniest people on this planet, and you make no secret of the fact that your dad is your hero. You tear-up in sports movies, when the underdog begins to find his strength. You can make me laugh, even when I'm really mad at you.

When I came home from work, so broken about all these kids who have no parents, you agreed that we should adopt one day. You're cool with me wanting to be a career woman, and are excited to be a stay at home dad. You do this dolphin impression that I love. You tell me I am beautiful all the time, but you tell me that I am incredibly compassionate more (you focus on my desire to be defined as a person who makes this world a little brighter). You're always "on board" when I talk about doing things differently (never having our "own" babies, not getting a mortgage or not living in Suburbia forever...gasp!). You seem genuinely amazed by everything I do (you read my blog and say I should write a book, you see something I sew and say I should be a designer, I re-arrange the furniture and you say I should be a decorator... on and on). You see the good in people, you understand the value in persevering in relationships with people who are difficult. You don't judge, or become easily angered (except that time I punched you in the back of the head... again, I'm sorry, but you had it coming- on that we'll never see eye-to-eye), and you don't put people down. You are genuine- and people sense it mere moments from meeting you. You bring life to the most boring parties/get-togethers.
You bring excitement, adventure and joy to my life. In many ways we're so different, and I love it because you challenge me, and I admire your strengths (because they're often my weaknesses), I am a better person because of knowing you, being influenced by you, arguing with you and sharing life with you.

To many more years... the good and the bad... I love you.
Happy Anniversary Chelsea & Scott!
You two are an amazing example of love, support, friendship and fun! And the list goes on....and on...
Chelsea, you punched Scotty in the back of the head???!?!?!?!?!? Oh, I wanna hear that story from both of you ;-)
happy anniversary.
gotta love the face hairs that never get cleaned up...so much fun!
That was really beautiful - thanks for sharing that glimpse, Chelsea. Happy Anniversary to you and Indiana :)
wow--that made me tear up...well written you very blessed couple!
Chels and Scotty,
We tear up when we read blog posts like this. Chels, you're finding your strength - as a writer. Congrats on the anniversary!
Rick and La'n
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