I do not agree with private zoos, but those that partner with conservation and research efforts do not belong in the same category.
Aside from the fact that Seattle zoo not only donates $2 Million a year to wildlife conservation efforts all around the world, they also are responsible for captive breeding with some of the world's most threatened species who's very existence is hanging by a thread.
At every enclosure there are two world maps that show not only where a species can be found, but also indicate researchers' best estimates of total population. One map reflects these estimates in 1960, the other is for 2000. As we walked from enclosure to enclosure, I became acutely aware that unless we make some serious changes, the only wildlife our children and grandchildren will see are crows, raccoons, and those domesticated rabbits that have been set free.
The red areas for each species was significantly diminished over the past 40 years (with the populations of some species numbering in the thousands and even hundreds) that it was actually frightening.
(Tiger Distribution in 1900 vs. 1990)
Another terribly effective visual, located at the zoo's entrance, was a large billboard with two spinning counters. The first gave a running tally of the world's population which proceeded to increase by one at a horribly rapid rate (maybe two per second). Below it was a second counter which counted down, by square mile, what's left of the world's available natural "raw" land. Although the rotating numbers didn't "click" down as quickly as that the first clicked up, I actually felt ill. I stood and stared at it for a while, but turned away before I felt completely overwhelmed.
I don't know what the answer is, but I am convinced that I will leave this earth being someone who at least gave a damn.
I am tired of hearing about heartache, pain, disaster, poverty, alienation, pollution, extinction- AND NOT DOING A THING ABOUT IT!
I know that I can't save the world, but I can pick a species, and do SOMETHING.
So thanks Seattle Zoo, for giving me yet another kick in the ass (objective achieved).
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