I want to run away for a while.
But I have no time or money- instead I have four papers, a mountain of laundry, housework, errands, a date with the dentist, looming course deadlines, work and an annoying (and often burdensome) desire to not settle for a self focussed existance.
So I'll make the best of it.
Lately my mantra has been to find enjoyment in the simple things: jogs on the beach, a good book, holding hands, making a culinary masterpiece from the scraps left in the fridge, singing and dancing like a fool to my latest obession, wearing the same jeans 3 days in a row, pretending I can draw, bubble baths, candle light, making up my own yoga flow, colouring with wax crayons, being a "tourist" in my hometown, a good laugh with a new friend and tears with an old friend, watching that movie for the 80th time because I still love it, late night pizza runs, the smell of the forest after a good rain, walks to the video store, 5 cent candies, long talks with my mom (and my mom-in law).... the list goes on.
Sometimes we're so busy paying attention to what other people have that we get blinded to all the great things that everyday life brings, we stop trying to find adventure in it, we stop enjoying life and merely exist. We live for our weekends or vacations and completely miss the moment we're in.
ahh...lately i've been living for the weekends and then i'm stressed out that the weekend is going by so fast. thanks for the reminder of all we have. :)
i hate to say it, but if your job was as uninspiring as mine you might anxiously await day's end too :)
seriously though, wonderful post. another well timed reminder,
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